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December 26, 2006


Wonderful post. I was particularly struck by "I was starting to think too much about blogging my life instead of living it."
I know exactly how you feel. I've been on a short unintended break and it has felt good. I've tried to post a couple of times today but I guess my heart or mind just isn't in it.
Like you, I enjoy the inspiration and the sharing that blogging provides too much to give it up, but I'm still struggling with the balance that works for me.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

I can completely relate. I am a very private person and each time I post a little of myself and my world (private versus professional) I feel a bit squeemish but I am trying to get over it.

I feel the same way...............I too have been looking for that balance! My family kids me about it!!!! I do get so much out of it, but I have stopped talking on the phone and keeping up with my "real" friends:( Several of the blogs have written about devoting a certain amount of time and NO MORE! That is probably the route I will have to take! Maybe we can all figure it out in the NEW YEAR:-) I will check back and see what is working for you........

That was beautifully said. For many of us blogging is rather new, and it takes time to figure out how it best works for each person. We all started blogging around the same time; now we seem to be wondering about it's effects at the same time!

What wonderful clarity on the "blogging" dilemma! As a newbie to blogging, I have become a bit obsessed with "keeping up". Up on my favorite blogs, up on creating inspiring entries, up on balancing it all with life! I realized that it was becoming pressure instead of that wonderful creative outlet it was supposed to be. I am trying to remember to breathe. Thanks for putting it in words.
Lisa & Alfie

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