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October 03, 2006


I did "the big purge" almost three years ago, and it is so free-ing! I was like you, keeping things because I always had, and things I loved were "safe in cabinets" and couldn't be seen. So, off to Goodwill I went, also daily for a succession of days. And now, voila, I have out all of the things I love. I can see and enjoy them everyday!

We're going to do a big clean when before we start the remodel, so that's what I'll be doing over the next few weeks - I'm sort of looking forward to it.

I have that book (the French one) on my Amazon list - I get the French Word A Day from the author, which is really fun! Glad you're back blogging!

glad you got your package and are enjoying everything. it was fun to do the shopping!!!

Boy, all the cute aqua and red stuff I've been seeing sure makes me wish I had joined!

I completely know what you mean when you say a 10 year cleaning. Just when I think I have removed a lot of clutter, I find more that I want to let go of and it sure does feel good. Happy Cleaning!

I'm kind of a fan of cleaning out anytime but I really find Fall a perfect time for getting rid of stuff. It is nice to have a reason to be in the house with the weather turning toward a more fall like climate. I had a hard time working in the basement when the weather was so nice. Great swap by the way.

Hi there!!! I just came across your great blog!! (through inspire co.) I am so excited to have a new place to visit!!

I just took a brief stroll through your archives...so many fun bits!! thanks so much for sharing!!

I look forward to visiting often!!
Happy blogging!
Happy Fall!
xoxo Jenny

Looks like a FABULOUS package and I look forward to seeing photos of what projects you make out of all of this!

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