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October 14, 2006


I think the only thing 'autumny' around my parts are the fall/Halloween decorations. You're having winter and we're still stuck in summer. Gah!

You inspired me to go and get the same cake mix and topping. I saw your cupcakes and thought my grandkids would like those....with all the treats on top! Obviously not a gormet.....I always use box mixes....but hadn't seen this one. Thanks for sharing.

Awwww.... I love the way you got/made the cupcake boxes, the little guy wanted.

Sure they were rather flavorless, and had a strange texture. But like you observed, he couldn't care less. Along with the decorations, they were 'purrrrrrrrrrrfect' for him.

Best part -- Mommy listened. It doesn't get much better than this, for a little guy. :-)

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