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August 12, 2006


I hear you on the school work thing!! My kids had hours of homework last year (which means I had hours of homework).I do wonder sometimes why ALL the work, is it necessary, what about playtime? I think they learn a lot playing, cooking, drawing, etc. Honestly, my oldes son figured out fractions better from cooking than from a book!

We need to spend the next week school shopping too before our vacation. Luckily my husband is home for the week, so we can divide and conquer! Have a great weekend!

My oldest starts kindergarten this year - you're scaring me! I think it's ridiculous for kids to have that much home work. When do kids get to play? Play time is very important!

woooooohoooo! i don't think those doo dads have ever looked so smart! thank you for takin such good care of em and showin em off this way! can't think o a better compliment than seein em in action!

your fan,

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