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July 21, 2006


what a great idea!! I love anything designed around a theme! :) I'd love the recipe...

What a great idea and it looks delicious. For Napoleon night you have to make a delicious bass.

If your kids love Star Wars, this is wicked cute:


It's food-themed Star Wars. Not sure, but maybe you can get your movie-themed dinner out of something from the clip. Perhaps a Princess Lettuce and Cuke Skywalker salad? Tofu-D2 stir fry? Master yogurt for dessert?

Looks fabulous! I have really got to get that cookbook. The theme dinner idea is really cute!

Grocery Store Wars is so funny. I love the Princess Lettuce and Cuke Skywalker Salad...that could be my salad...not that the kids will eat it but I will. Maybe that should be a cucumber-sour cream-onion, it is white like her costume!
I'll get the Tequila-Lime recipe up, it was very good.

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